About Us
The BCMT centre provides coherent and clear business services that enable an SME sector business to grow and produce fast, dynamic results whilst minimising business risk factors.
The centre is based in Llanmorlais, Abertawe, South West Wales, and serves clients across the UK. We work with fully qualified and insured personnel in each specific area, supported by our friendly team, we are a one stop-services company with a significant network reach to other professionals who are an extended team of strategic alliances.
Whether you’re looking for ways you can improve your business performance or improving your leadership skills in the workplace you’ll always find a fast, friendly service waiting for you.
About Suzanne MacDonald-Carr
With a background in psychology, corporate management development and skills training, traditional teaching to SME new technology business development, sales & marketing, legal and HR; Suzanne has been highly successful working with businesses from start ups to established organisations with one goal in mind– helping to make businesses the success that the owners or shareholders dream of.
Suzanne has over 30 years of corporate and SME business experience, has owned and run businesses including a successful school and consultancy business; she has held multiple directorships, VP and board positions in the UK, Europe and USA. Suzanne knows what it is like to be accountable, lead a team and the tolls that responsibilities can play on personal and family life.
Suzanne has extensive experience working with investors and understands the financial implications and the mastery required to ‘manage the numbers’; she has specialised in Niche positioning - sales and marketing throughout her career; and is a strong people manager with a focus on building excellence in teams. Often in an SME or start up environment cash is key and leveraging more with less is a key critical skill which she possesses.
In summary, Suzanne helps and supports the development of her clients businesses in South West Wales and across the UK providing measurable results and demonstrating the return on investment quickly.
About the Identity of Coaching
The word coach derives from a town called ‘KOCS’ in Norther Hungary, where horse drawn carriages were made.
The meaning of coach as an instructor or trainer is purportedly from around 1830, when it was Oxford University slang for a tutor who ‘carried’ his student through an exam; the term coaching is later applied in 1800’s to improving the performances of athletes.
In the twentieth century, coaching found its way into the workplace where it was associated with a specific process of education for young recruits. The coach was typically a more experienced employee, often with managerial authority over them. He or she would demonstrate a task , instruct to attempt the task, observe their performance and provide feedback based either on their own experience or a standardized perception of performance. Coach and coachee would then discuss the feedback and plan how the coachee would approach the take differently next time.
In 2020, at the BCMT Centre business coaching can be combined where relevant with transformational coaching which has its roots in Cognitive Behavioral Psychology and Cognitive Behavioral Coaching as the way we think effects the activities that we perform.
Most coaching books identify coaching as a ‘helping strategy’ designed to enable people to reach their full potential but this definition is also applied to the realms of mentoring, counselling and consulting.
Coaching criteria can vary depending on the nature of the coaching, so definition remains an unresolved problem, however, its ultimate purpose is to enhance well-being and performance (Grant & Palmer, 2002).
The performance coach is typically an external professional, who specialises in helping the coachee to focus on and achieve task-specific behavioural change over a relatively short period.
The developmental coach is usually an external professional coach who focuses in the broader and possibly longer-term changes in the client as a professional, which may include the crystallisation of life purpose.
(Cox,E. Backirova, T. Clutterbuck, D. (2014) The Complete Hand Book of Coaching, Sage Publications, London pp1-4)